International Women’s Day offers an opportunity to reflect on the gender equality agenda—its progress and achievements over the last decade, and the work that remains in order to close the social, economic, cultural, and political disparities that persist for many women around the world. 

To mark International Women’s Day, SGPIA is sharing a “mini talk” titled Men and Boys for Gender Equality by alum Leyla Sharfi. Leyla graduated from SGPIA in 2004 and is a Gender Specialist at the United Nations Population Fund. Her talk is part of a collection of twenty other mini talks given by SGPIA alumni and faculty at last December’s Celebration of SGPIA at 15 and a Tribute to Founding Director Michael Cohen. Read more about Leyla on the SGPIA Alum Profiles page. 



SGPIA Mini Talk: Men and Boys for Gender Equality by Alum Leyla Sharafi from New School International Affairs on Vimeo.