There are major funding opportunities all Milano students should pay attention to. The list will be updated regularly to reflect upcoming deadlines. A broader set of opportunities and resources  are available through the Provost’s Office.

Tips and Tricks for Applying to Grants and Fellowships

Checklist before applying

  1. What is the call looking for?
  2. What is the issue or problem?
  3. What is the question or purpose being asked?
  4. How should the question be answered?
  5. What methods should be employed to answer the question?
  6. What are the expected findings?
  7. Is the project appropriate for the call?


Be mindful where you apply

  • The process is time consuming; loop in your committee early
  • Identify and reflect on the opportunity
  • It should help move your project forward without substantial changes
  • Look at the funding committee and what has been funded in the past

When applying:

  • Include one phrase from the call to ensure the committee you understanding what they are looking for
  • Show applicability to the mission of the funding organization
  • It’s often not necessary to make claims or causal statements in the proposal
  • Illustrate why your topic requires larger exploration and explain the relevance/importance to the call
  • Identify your references/mentors early
  • Be mindful of the length guidelines
  • Have persistence and perspective: it is a time consuming process with endless editing